Richard and I (Martin) have now spoken to over 300 Amazon FBA sellers, each with their own unique back story, brand, and reasons for exiting.
It’s been a privilege to talk with so many like-minded people and share our experience of selling to Amazon aggregators.
We have continued to play an active role in the Amazon seller community this year, as this has been such a big part of our lives since 2013.
And whilst we both plan to start more Amazon businesses in the future, we have made some amazing new connections over the past few months with this project.
If you are considering selling your business, feel free to pop your contact details into the form below and one of us will be in contact shortly.
You can also email us directly via ‘hello at’.
To save time, you may wish to check out the following pages first, or if you want to know which Amazon aggregators are most likely to buy your business today, click the ‘Find Buyers‘ button below:
Seller’s Guide to Amazon Aggregators
How We Sold Our Amazon Businesses
Common Questions From Sellers
How We Are Paid For This Service
Asset Deals vs Share Deals
Amazon Aggregator News
We’re looking forward to hearing from you.