For starters:
Enjoy it.
We know first-hand what it’s like to be an Amazon FBA seller, and just how much energy it takes out of you.
The events of the past few years have challenged even the best of us, so make sure you use your time to recover and celebrate your achievements.
Of course:
As an entrepreneur, you will find it hard to switch your brain off after running on the hamster wheel for so long.
But we can’t stress this enough:
Give yourself a break.
If only for a short while before deciding your next move.
As for the money?
Well, it’s always worthwhile speaking to your accountant or professional advisor to figure out exactly what to do with it.
Our best advice here is to set aside a small amount to spend on a gift, just for you.
A new watch or keepsake of some description are popular choices. Something to remind you of the journey you’ve been on, and its successful conclusion.
After that:
You’re going to want to invest your money wisely.
Think property, stocks, funds, bonds and – dare I say it – cash.
The latter is, of course, a popular choice given the hugely volatile state of the markets but watch out for sky-high inflation erroring your savings.
That being said:
I’m not a financial planner.
So at the risk of repeating myself, seek professional advice before investing any of your hard-earned money.
And while you’re at it:
You may wish to check out a book that, in my opinion, tells you everything you ever need to know about money and finance.
Take it away, Robert Kiyosaki:
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