Meet The Aggregators (At White Label World Expo, USA)

It’s been another hectic month in the life of an Amazon FBA seller.

PPC costs, like everything else this year, went through the roof in April 2022. Combine this with rising wholesale unit prices, storage, shipping and – as we covered last week – an imminent hike in FBA fees.

Not a week has passed over the past four months without some damage to your bottom line.

And yet:

As April draws to a close, there is at least something positive to look forward to next month.

In fact, I’d go as far to say that this could well be the highlight of your year.

White Label World Expo, USA

What’s it all about?

Well, picture the largest gathering of online sellers, white-label goods suppliers and Amazon aggregators in one place.

With 200+ free workshops from ecommerce experts, Amazon legends and business growth gurus.

Better still:

This year’s event is being held over a two-day period, between 25-26 May, at The Las Vegas Convention Center.

Just think about that for a minute.

This could be your one opportunity in 2022 to achieve any one (or all) of the following:

    1. Find a new supplier
    2. Hook up with a better 3PL
    3. Drive down the cost of shipping
    4. Sort your bookkeeping and taxes
    5. Protect your intellectual property
    6. Sell your Amazon business

The latter, of course, is of particular significance if you plan on exiting your Amazon business this year.

With more than 30 of the top Amazon aggregators set to exhibit, speak and run seminars over the course of two action packed days.

The power of the community

Bottom line?

Everyone who’s anyone in the FBA seller community goes to White Label World Expo.

The networking alone is well worth the trip to Nevada.

And if there’s one thing I could take away from my 8 years in the Amazon trenches, it would be the power of the community.


When it comes to running an Amazon business, most ‘golden nugget’ tips, tricks and recommendations are not shared on the public forums.

They’re offered up during face to face connections and (often paid for) masterminds.

So what are you waiting for?

Block out 25-26 May in next month’s calendar, jump on the White Label World Expo website and grab a free ticket, today.

Further reading:

This website was created by ex-Amazon sellers, Martin Smith and Richard Turnbull.

To learn about our story, our private label FBA brands, and our first-hand experience selling to Amazon aggregators, click here.

You may also wish to check out our 2022 Definitive Guide to Amazon Aggregators.

Written for FBA sellers, this simple, easy to follow document takes less than 5 minutes to read and represents the culmination of over 100 hours of research into the Amazon aggregator space. To access the guide today, click this link.


Step 1

Select your revenue and number of SKUs

Product Category

Step 2

Tell us your product category and profits

Amazon Aggregators

Step 3

Reveal your unique list of potential buyers